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Interface bloat

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An Example of Interface Bloat

Background Context


In software design, interface bloat (also called fat interfaces by Bjarne Stroustrup and Refused Bequests by Martin Fowler) is when an interface incorporates too many operations on some data into an interface, only to find that most of the objects cannot perform the given operations.

Interface bloat is an example of an anti-pattern. One might consider using visitor pattern, Adapter Pattern, or interface segregation instead.

What is Interface Bloat


Interface Bloat refers to the phenomenon in software design where the user interface (UI) becomes unnecessarily complex and overloaded with features, options, or elements that can overwhelm users.

This often leads to a cluttered experience, decreased usability, and increased difficulty for users to accomplish their tasks efficiently. Interface bloat can arise from various sources, including the addition of excessive functionality without proper consideration of user needs, the merging of disparate features, or the pressure to include numerous options to cater to a broad audience.

Key Points About Interface Bloat


1. User Experience Impact:

  • Interface bloat can negatively affect the overall user experience by making applications harder to navigate, understand, and use. Users may find it difficult to locate primary functions amid secondary or tertiary options.

2. Cognitive Overload:

  • The concept of cognitive overload suggests that too much information or too many choices can hinder a user's ability to process information effectively. When interfaces are bloated, users may experience decision fatigue, where the overwhelming number of options leads to decreased motivation to engage with the product.
  • A reference on cognitive overload is the work of Sweller (1988), which discusses how cognitive capacity is limited and that excess information can disrupt learning and task performance (Sweller, J. (1988). Cognitive Load During Problem Solving: Effects on Learning).

3. Increased Learning Curve:

  • A bloated interface may require users to invest more time in learning how to use an application, which can lead to frustration and abandonment of the product.

4. Design Trends and Solutions:

  • To combat interface bloat, designers prioritize minimalism, user-centered design principles, and iterative testing to ensure that features serve user needs rather than merely filling space.



Nielsen, J., & Budiu, R. (2013). Mobile Usability. New Riders.

Sweller, J. (1988). Cognitive Load During Problem Solving: Effects on Learning. Cognitive Science, 12(2), 257–285.

McKinsey & Company. (2017). The Imperative of User Experience (https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/technology-media-and-telecommunications/our-insights/the-imperative-of-user-experience).

Norman, D. A. (2013). The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition. Basic Books.